Our immune system works as a defense against bad germs, which are also called “pathogens”.
Our immune system learns to recognize each new pathogen that gets into our bodies. It responds almost immediately when pathogens arrive. It usually does a pretty good job of fighting off illness that might otherwise kill us.
Pathogens include the microbes that cause colds, flu, or Covid. When those germs get lodged in your nose, they immediately start multiplying. Their numbers grow so fast our immune system usually takes 2-3 days to catch up.
That’s why symptoms usually are at their worst in day 2 or 3. The symptoms only start to fade when our system produces enough immune cells to start getting ahead.
We can help our immune system get ahead sooner by killing a bunch of the pathogens early on, before they have reached huge numbers.
That’s where CopperZap® comes in. It provides help in the form of pathogen-killing pure copper.
If you use it after pathogens arrive and before they have spread out too far, copper quickly kills enough of the bad germs to eliminate or greatly reduce their numbers.
Our immune system suddenly confronts a far smaller population of pathogens, which it can quickly finish off so you don’t get sick at all. At the same time, the system allows beneficial bacteria to return and flourish. A compromised immune system needs help even more from a CopperZap®.
By the time the pathogens are completely defeated, the immune system has learned what it needs for a stronger defense in the future.
CopperZap® and the immune system make great partners. With pure copper and immune cells together, the pathogens don’t stand a chance!
Happy Zapping,
Doug Cornell PhD
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