It was horrible before
Linda M posted on social media that she is often "surrounded with coughing hacking school kids & ill patients in doctor's offices & hospitals."
"Before the CopperZap, it was horrible!" she wrote.
Now she says, "I use mine every time I get into a potentially compromised environment, such as a schoolroom, doctor's office, crowded room anywhere, or anytime I am near someone coughing or sneezing.
"One year now. So far it has been 100% successful. No more doctor visits, no more prescriptions, no more OTC remedies.
"Others can laugh all they want, but for me, I have found a miracle!"
She is buying another for her husband. "He's seen my results and is ready, especially after being ill around me while I stayed healthy!
"This works astonishingly well. Worth every single penny and more."
Thanks for the good words, Linda.
Happy Zapping!
- Doug Cornell, PhD