EPA tests show copper kills the Covid virus

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Tips and Stories

Tips on Using a CopperZap® and How Others Use It

Outdoor activity means more injuries and infections

Warm weather means more outdoor activity. We like to go out when it's nice. Kids do especially. Outdoor activity means more cuts, scrapes, blisters, and injuries. Cuts, scrapes, blisters, and injuries can mean more infections. Infections can spread and turn dangerous. They can cause tissue damage, possible serious illness, and...

Five weeks in the hospital

The nice gentleman we wrote about recently has provided another account of his experiences. He had told us about catching a cold after being at the dentist's office and not using his CopperZap till that evening. Since getting his CopperZap four years earlier he had completely avoided colds, flu, and Covid, but...

Panic at Disneyland

Our friend Rosa and her husband took their three kids to Disneyland recently. They had a great time, but any vacation naturally can be a bit stressful – packing, travel, hotel, meals, tickets, and waiting in line. Stress often brings on cold sores. Cold sores can bring on more stress....

It was horrible before

Linda M posted on social media that she is often "surrounded with coughing hacking school kids & ill patients in doctor's offices & hospitals." "Before the CopperZap, it was horrible!" she wrote. Now she says, "I use mine every time I get into a potentially compromised environment, such as a schoolroom,...

Miserable for 13 months, then WOW

Deirdre B posted on social media: “For 13 months I have been absolutely miserable with a severe stuffy nose…the kind where nasal tissues were so inflamed no air at all could pass through. “I had purchased about 12 different products trying desperately to find what might clear up the congestion in...

The kids got better but then Mom got sick

A terrific lady has worked at CopperZap LLC for many years. We gave her a CopperZap® when she started.  She has used it successfully many times. She has two young children.  They sometimes get sick from germs they pick up at school.  Also, her partner does not always use his...

Allergies and sinus torment

What is causing so many sinus problems? Allergies to pollen, dust, and pet dander can cause sinus blockage and allow bacteria and viruses to grow and cause sinus infections. Mold in the air, especially after wet weather, also can cause sinus trouble. Some people are even born with conditions that...

CPAP and Sinus - Sleep disruption

Joseph L used a CPAP for many years.  When he added a CopperZap to his health arsenal, he said, “It really helps me sleep at night because it clears my sinuses.” He went on to say, “When I used the CopperZap I get much better CPAP readings on how often I...

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